Advisor’s Hands Are Tied

Your financial advisor may be a great guy and try to do the best he can for you, but he is limited in what he can do for you. He can offer you basic services at inflated execution prices or overpriced advisors fees. He is NOT allowed to access your Hidden Money.
Wall Street’s Secrets Revealed

Secret#1: Wall Street devised the biggest con this world will ever know. Never in the history of the world has so much money been made off of herding people into long term investments that charge expensive fees regardless of performance. Whatever happens, Wall Street has an excuse for it and the advice is always […]
Invest with a Better Method

Every investor has their own unique situation that drives them to invest in certain ways. We realize that every investor has their own set of goals and ideas on how to reach them. No matter what your goals are there is a better method to reach those goals sooner and with less risk. We can’t […]
Sports Analytics
A friend of our created a very cool site to show sports trading data in a whole new way. Normally Sports Bettors rely on a stat like the win ratio of 7-3, but this does not tell the whole picture. There is no way to know where the 3 losses came from, the most […]
Hidden Money – Protecting Profits

If you have a stock that you have already made some gains in and you want to protect the gains, but still think it has room to go higher, then there are only a few alternatives. If you own the stock or ETF, then you ca kind of limited in your choices. If you have […]
Hidden Money Stock Replacement with Negative Stock

When you use the correct tools for the job, you have much more flexibility to make money. In FSLR, we entered on 11/1/11 at $46.78. We exited the position on 12/12/11 at $44.36. That is a small loss of $2.42. If we bought 100 shares then we lost $242 on a $4678 investment. Using Hidden […]
Hidden Money Example – NFLX

Here is a great example of buying a stock after bad news and living through some pain. Fortunately for you if you had used the Hidden Money Methods you would be much better off. On 10/25 the stock dropped to $77.37. The low from then until now was $62.37 so you had to endure some […]
Hidden Money Example Jan 19th -Honda Motor(HMC)

Here is a great example of Honda Motor (HMC) We have done the Monday morning quarter back and called the entry and exit to perfection. This example is not about showing you how to time your entry, but how this simple method is the best way to invest. Given our entry on Dec.19th at $28.61 […]
Hidden Money Example – JPM Jan 18th

JP Morgan is a stock in the news because of earnings so we are going to do a quick example to show the power of the Hidden Money Methods. Below we have a simple chart of JPM over the past three months. At the green arrow we have the perfectly timed entry by you the […]
Find YOUR Hidden Money

There are dozens of way to make money or save money. Various jobs that allow you to work from home, internet marketing like Amazon, or saving on credit card fees. But none of these will lead you to true wealth. In today’s economy everyone is looking to either save more, spend less or create income. […]