Hidden Money Methods

Empowering Individual Investors

admin On January - 20 - 2012

Here is a great example of buying a stock after bad news and living through some pain.  Fortunately for you if you had used the Hidden Money Methods you would be much better off.

On 10/25 the stock dropped to $77.37.  The low from then until now was $62.37 so you had to endure some pain if you wanted to hold onto the stock.  It is currently trading at $100.24 on Jan. 20th.  If you exited today, you would have $22.87 in profit or 29.5% Return.

If we used the Hidden Money Method #1, we could have gotten in for $28 and gotten out for $45.  This is a $17 gain over same time period.  It is $5 less than the stock but we only used 36% of capital to control the same amount of stock.  HMM #1 returned a healthy 60.7%.

If we combined with Hidden Money Method #2, You could have gain an additional $9.75.  This would have increased your total amount to $26.75 or 95.5% return.

These are simple methods to make moneythat we cover in our course.

There are better ways to invest with less risk.

Categories: Examples

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Hidden Money Methods shows investors how to find their hidden money. They can make more money from their existing portfolios. Using a proven method, investors can increase their portfolio return and reduce their risk. Hidden Money Methods can help the basic to advanced investor.

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