Hidden Money Methods

Empowering Individual Investors

admin On August - 6 - 2011

Every investor has their own unique situation that drives them to invest in certain ways.  We realize that every investor has their own set of goals and ideas on how to reach them.

No matter what your goals are there is a better method to reach those goals sooner and with less risk.

We can’t put it any clearer than that:


Once curtain has been pulled back to reveal your hidden money, you will see how much risk you were actually taking to make so little!

This is not some “holy grail” investment system that promises 100% winners.

It is built on proven methods used by professional traders for over 38 years.

Wall Street Pros utilize these tools and methods for themselves and they want to keep it that way.  This one of the main reasons why millions of individual investors have no idea how much better they could be doing for themselves.

Wall Street’s traders are able to extract their gains in much shorter time periods than the average investor…think days not weeks, months or years.

They are able to time their entries and exits with simple graphical tools.  They use smart money management to buy the maximum amount of the highest rewarding positions.

They combine these simple time-tested methods that use leverage and their results crush the investors’ minuscule 6-8% long term average.

So why are you continually allowing Wall Street to risk everything you have for a 6% potential return?

They are making a killing in fees off of your hard earned investments whether they deliver for you or not!

It is time to take responsibility for your financial future.  It’s time to take control for yourself.  Your goals are within reach and they’re much closer than you think.

We have created a course to walk you through our step-by-step, proven and professional methods, to put them to use in your own portfolio.  We know most investors don’t want to take action themselves but…

You care more about your investments and future than anyone else.

All we can do is show you how we have done it, the results speak for themselves:


Actual Returns using

the Hidden Money Methods:

DO 9.8% in 22 Days – Annualized 163%
BP 9.9% in 48 Days – Annualized 75%
RIG 9 % in 50 Days – Annualized 68%
SLV 39% in 13Days – Annualized 1087%
HL 17% in 13 Days – Annualized 470%
MOS 30% in 7 Days – Annualized 1554%
EP 11% in 13 Days – Annualized 322%


You have already taken the first step: You are looking for more information!


STEP 1) Get Educated

STEP 2) Change your Outlook!


STEP 3) Leverage Your Capital

STEP 4) Protect

The only person REALLY concerned about your portfolio is YOU!

STEP 5) Practice

Practice helps you build confidence. If you go through our examples, then you will see how to enter and exit the types of positions that actually WORK! This is very important to have the confidence to simply enter the trades into your brokerage platform. When it comes time to pull the trigger to enter or exit, you want and need the confidence to do so.

Two Tools that the Pros Use:

  • Wall Street professionals regularly use Technical Analysis or charting to help them time the market’s moves. They know how likely and when stocks are poised to move just a few dollars or breakout for really big moves.
  • They also use position sizing techniques (risk management) to reduce risk and multiply rewards.

These are only a few of the secrets and methods that Wall Street has been hiding from regular investors for years.

These are things your broker will never mention to you because he is not allowed.  His Wall Street firm thinks that you’re “not sophisticated” enough for these types of strategies and the government agrees.

We encourage you to learn more. You can read books, and look for free information, but it will take years to piece together the puzzle to successfully master even these basic methods.

We know, we have been there. We were professional floor traders who learned by doing. The difference is that we had our own professional mentors to help us along the way. AND the mentoring only came AFTER being fully educated in the theory.  Yet, even after this much training, it still took us several months to become profitable.

We realize that most people don’t want to invest on their own, but in order to get better returns you have to take some responsibility.

The hardest part about investing is knowing

“when & how to enter and when to exit.”

After spending 30+ cumulative years trading the markets and helping individual investors over the past few years we realized that people need a complete system with tons of examples.

We combined the best methods for timing the market with the best methods for taking advantage of that opportunity. This system had to be easy for the average investor and only take a few minutes a day to manage. There is always a learning curve and that is why we want to be there for you throughout the entire process.

9 Modules Course Designed to walk any level investor along the “How To” get started path. Each module is accessed through our membership area. Each module will contain the recorded video and any handout materials that accompany that section.

Module1 Part 1Introduction to Leverage
Module1 Part 2 Options Basics
Module 2 When to Buy it -Volatility
Module 3 Timing the Buy-Technical Analysis
Module 4 How to Find -TA Applied
Module 5 How to Sell-Options Spreads
Module 6 The Hidden Money Method
Module 7 Position Management- Calls
Module 8 Positions Management Puts
Module 9 Portfolio Management


  • These are the most critical component of the learning process. As Pros, we learned by doing. Over 30 examples are provided in video format.
  • Everyday for one month you will get a new live example to follow through the steps for practice.
Mentoring (1 Month)
Once a week for 4 weeks you get access to group mentoring via  online meeting.
Ask any question you want. We will not only answer your question… we will show you.Critical to keeping you on track so one question does not derail your success.Mentoring Newsletter (1 Month)

Each week we discuss the market and give live examples to follow.  We show you how we enter,exit and manage these ideas.  We will discuss any morphs or rolls to lock in profit or become defensive.  We will also discuss how each idea fits into the portfolio from a top down approach.  All modifications are emailed, so you can follow along real time.

With the cost of higher education skyrocketing, we believe that this course is more practical and MUCH more valuable than anything taught at a four year university.


With returns like these we could easily

charge $1,000 for this course.

We have mentored group sessions for our previous company that cost over $10,000 per year. We could charge over $1,000 for one month’s of mentoring.

Some services are charging over $300 a month for their video investment of the day.

Other services are charging over $200 for investment ideas via email.

That is over $2,500 of value crammed into our mentoring package.

As floor traders we made our wealthy investors even richer.

We want this course to be affordable for everyone, so that we can create a cycle of success for everyone involved.

Can you put a price tag on

Financial Freedom?

We know this course and mentoring package will help you reach your financial goals.

Complete Package

We will help you take the 5 Steps:

1) Education: We will give you the Theory

2) Our education is based off of timing your Entry and Exit on shorter time frames

3) Our methods show you how to use options to use less capital for the greater results

4) By using leverage you can protect the amount of capital at risk.  Often times you can have similar positions with 1/4 of the capital

5) Practice with us, ask questions.  Learn while doing…the same EXACT way we learned!



Get the complete step by step Hidden Money Method, the 15video examples (the way we REALLY learned) plus the webinars and mentoring.

Get the Complete Package Here!




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About Us

Hidden Money Methods shows investors how to find their hidden money. They can make more money from their existing portfolios. Using a proven method, investors can increase their portfolio return and reduce their risk. Hidden Money Methods can help the basic to advanced investor.

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