Opening a new position in MOS
We are reentering with this trade as the stock is starting to show signs of breaking out. Buying longer term calls 5 times and selling shorter terms calls 3 times.
Buy to Open Sept 75 Calls for $15.20
Sell to Open Mar 90 Calls for $1.95
There are several rumors coming out for possible takeovers, MOS is included and they are presenting tomorrow at a conference. More hype could drive this through the highs of a few weeks ago.
2/23/2011 12:20
Buy to Close the March 90 calls for $0.45
2/23/2011 3:30
MOS $81.20
We bought back the March 90s earlier today for $0.45 3 times.
The stock has moved up $5.00 from the low and has made a huge reversal.
We are going to resell the March 90s 5 times, so a 1 to 1 ratio.
With stock at $81.2 the March 90 calls are bid $1.05.
3/1/2011 12:47
MOS $84.73
Closing MOS. With the market volatility we could roll down to sell the 85 calls s to get more juice and protection.
Instead we are going to take profits here and look to re-enter at lower prices on this volatility.
Sell to Close the Sept 75 calls for$15.45
Buy to Close the March 90 Calls $1.10
This is a small profit of $125 on our anchor calls, after being negative when the stock moved down to $80.